Page 57 - Vaculug Sustainable Report 2022
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e are committed to being responsible business that respects our people, communities, and the environment.
At Vaculug, the three R’s of
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle are all rolled into a fourth R that is at the
core of our business – Retreading. The practice of retreading, in and of itself, is a sustainable practice that saves millions of tyres from ending up in landfill each year.
As a zero-landfill operation, we are focused
to minimising our impact on the planet by diverting unusable tyres and rubber-waste from landfill sites and sending them to be repurposed for other uses that benefit and deliver value to our surrounding communities.
We remain committed to becoming a carbon net-zero (scopes 1 and 2)
company by 2030.
Built on a circular business model, our efforts
to reduce carbon emissions is achieved mainly through the process of retreading itself, which generates 70% less carbon dioxide than producing a new tyre. Our retreading and recycling efforts combined contribute to our efforts to minimise
our environmental impact.
Additionally, over the last two decades, we have tracked our tyre carbon footprint in relation to our energy consumption (gas, electricity, diesel). During the past year we have identified that the greatest impact we can make is to reduce our carbon footprint.
Between the period of 2003 to 2020, our tyre carbon footprint was reduced by 20%, resulting in 39.29 CO2 per tyre in 2020 versus 50.04 CO2 in 2003.
We recognise the importance of tracking and measuring our impact and progress on this journey. We also need to better understand where we stand, so that we can put the right steps in place and focus our efforts going forward. In 2022 we collaborated with Tecno International, a carbon assessment consulting firm who specialise in assessing the carbon impact of companies in line with the
GHG (Greenhouse Gas) Protocol.
Beginning in November 2022, Tecno International performed a comprehensive assessment of our Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon footprint, based
on our activities between January-December 2021. The assessment, which is expected to be completed by early 2023, will establish our baseline which
we will use to measure against going forward (see Figure 1 for overview of Scopes 1, 2 and 3).

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