Page 51 - Vaculug Sustainable Report 2022
P. 51

Management model and system
Vaculug approach to responsible management of occupational health, safety and hygiene is based on the principles and commitments expressed in the “Ethical Code” of Vaculug, in the “Health, Safety and Environment” Policy which are issued in 2017 in the intranet of Vaculug and in the “Global Human Rights” Policy and in the “Quality” Policy. In particular, the “Health, Safety and Environment” Policy outlines the Company’s commitment to:
• Manage its activities regarding health and safety protection at work in compliance with the laws and all the commitments entered into, as well
as according to the most qualified management international standards;
• Pursue objectives of “no harm to people”, by implementing actions for early identification, assessment and prevention of risks for health and safety at work aimed at a continuous reduction in the number and severity of injuries and occupational illnesses, activating health surveillance plans in order to protect workers from specific risks associated with their business duties;
• Develop and implement emergency management programs to prevent and avoid harm to persons;
• Define, monitor and communicate to its Stakeholders specific objectives of continuous improvement of health and safety at work;
• Empower, train and motivate its employees
to work safely involving all levels of the organization in an ongoing program of training and information, aimed at promoting a culture of safety at work;
• Promote information and awareness-raising on health and safety issues;
• Provide ongoing and concrete support aimed at facilitating the work-life balance;
• Manage its supply chain responsibly by including issues of health and safety at work in the supplier selection criteria, the contractual clauses and the audit criteria, also requiring suppliers to implement a similar management model in their supply chain;
• Make available to all its Stakeholders a channel (the “Whistleblowing Policy-Reporting Procedure” published on Vaculug’s website and intranet) dedicated to reporting, even anonymously, of
any situations that constitute or may constitute a risk for the protection of the health, safety and well-being of people (reference is made to the Paragraph “Focus: Reporting Procedure- Whistleblowing Policy” of this Report for an outline of reports received in 2022, none of which regarding health and safety).

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