Page 107 - Vaculug Sustainable Report 2022
P. 107

implement proper technical security measures
this and it is our staff’s obligation to uphold this. Proprietary information includes all non-public information that might be harmful to the company
or its customers, business partners if disclosed to unauthorised parties. All staff must handle any such information as secret. Every rule ensuring information security must be followed all times.
We respect the property rights of others. We will
not acquire or seek to acquire trade secrets or other proprietary or confidential information by improper means. We will not engage in unauthorized use, copying, distribution or alteration of software or other protected intellectual property.
Fraud – the act or intent to cheat, steal, deceive or lie – is both unethical and, in most cases, criminal. Fraud in every form, (including e.g., submitting false expense reports; forging or altering financial documents or certifications; misappropriating assets or misusing company property; making any untrue financial or non-financial entry on records or statements) is prohibited.
Our decisions shall be based on objective and fair assessments avoiding the possibility of any improper influence. A “conflict of interest” exists when an employee’s personal interest (that can be linked
to e.g., friends, family, or customer, competitor, supplier, contractor entity, as well) interferes or potentially interferes with the best interests of Vaculug. Determining whether a conflict of interest exists is not always easy to do, thus anyone with a conflict-of-interest question should seek advice from management.
If co-workers become involved in personal relations with each other, the onus is on the senior employee concerned to bring this to the attention of his or
her manager to confirm that there is no conflict of interest, nor will a conflict of interest arise.
We respect people’s privacy and we acknowledge customers, employees and other natural persons’ need to feel confident that their personal data
is processed appropriately and for a legitimate business purpose. We are committed to comply with all personal data protection laws. We only acquire and keep personal information that is necessary, and we give proper information on these activities to data owners. We implement proper security measures
to assure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of personal information.
Our staff must observe the legal requirements, apply compliant practices and follow related procedures to ensure legality of personal data handling and processing activities.

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